I broke my fibula bone near my left ankle two weeks ago. Since then, and for three more weeks, I need to keep my weight off of my left leg. So, I am experiencing what others cope with for much longer, or for even most, or all, of their lives.
I find people want to help. This is refreshing, and I am pleased that people do want to help. However, I am trying to get around by myself, and working hard to do it without help. I am happy that my muscles are getting stronger, particularly in my upper body and my right leg. They aren't going to get stronger if I sit in a wheel chair, and my crutch skills aren't going to get better if I don't use them. (I hate the crutches and consider them a treacherous but necessary evil.) So, I try to be the "happy warrior." I will ask when I need help. Perhaps the best thing to ask is "How are you doing? Is there anything I can do to help?" And, don't be upset if I say "No."
I appreciate the opportunity to work at home all week and engage in a forced slowdown. Interestingly, I am actually able to be more productive. (I am a consultant and am fully outfitted with the necessary electronics.) It has not taken much to set up the house so I can work, eat, and even cook a decent meal.
I am unhappy about not being able to spend time outside -- work on my garden, walk around, and soak in the sun (at least when it is sunny). At this point, I actually wouldn't mind a few bug bites, although I am concerned about having a tick crawl under my cast and gorge on my emaciating leg.
I am learning about how difficult it is to get around as a handicapped person. Despite years of ADA adjustments to sidewalks, parking lots and buildings, I find I must make a clear-eyed assessment of what I have to deal with at a particular site. I am finding that the handicapped parking places may be all full, leaving me to hike in on my crutches, in the rain, from a far corner of a parking lot. Or that the handicapped ramp may not be very near a door. Or that there is not a curb cut at all at a small strip mall, like the one that has my favorite Asian store.
So, in three weeks I will have a walking cast, and my interregnum will end. Maybe I won't rush back into the pre-broken foot lifestyle.