In the depths
of winter I finally learned
there was in me an invincible summer.
Albert Camus
This quote from Camus pretty well sums it up. But for summer, why would we put up with such an intense and difficult experience? However, there is plenty to enjoy about a real winter. The Dutch are thrilled that they can again skate on the canals, according to a story in the International Herald Tribune. However, many skaters are ending up in the emergency room with fractures, sprains and other injuries! But being able to get out and skate for the first time in 12 years must be thrilling. See also this lovely blog entry and photos at Letters Home I also love this photo with the windmills in the background at
Here in Southern NH we are stuck in the deep freeze. Night time temps around zero, or even lower, daytime in the teens. Pretty brutal. We are expecting a good amount of snow tonight and tomorrow. We will need to get out and have fun in it! I will also spend time studying my seed catalogues in anticipation of Spring.
Here in Southern NH we are stuck in the deep freeze. Night time temps around zero, or even lower, daytime in the teens. Pretty brutal. We are expecting a good amount of snow tonight and tomorrow. We will need to get out and have fun in it! I will also spend time studying my seed catalogues in anticipation of Spring.
Ummm.. the blog's actually called Letters Home, but that's OK - thanks for linking to me! It was a beautiful weekend. :-)
Posted by: ian in hamburg | February 22, 2009 at 09:03 AM
I adjusted the link to Letters Home. Thank you for the comment.
Posted by: Lone Elm | February 27, 2009 at 06:42 PM
Hi there! I am here for the first time and like what and how you write. Hope to hear from you soon and something new ) My rapidshare SE( ) for your use
Posted by: Justice | February 08, 2010 at 10:05 AM